AccessPoint is proud of their continued sponsorship of the Vehicles for Change gas card program. In 2015, AccessPoint teamed up with the Vehicles for Change Detroit branch. Vehicles for Change is a program that provides vehicles to families in and around the city of Detroit to improve their access to employment opportunities. The owners are provided with low-interest car loans, allowing them to build credit, and also attend an orientation course to prepare them for the responsibilities of car ownership.
AccessPoint is continuing their involvement with vehicles for change by participating in a gas card sponsorship program. AccessPoint will award each car recipient with a gas card to help get started with their new car and carry them to their first paycheck at their new job, helping them maintain their employment and the new vehicle.
This month, Deborah Burch was the first recipient of an AccessPoint gas card. Congratulations to Deborah for her hard work. The AccessPoint team looks forward to continuing this program, and helping be a small part of the process to bring positive change to the city of Detroit.